Mechanisms of Homeopathic Information Transfer
Homeopathy is a medical science used for centuries to treat illness. While not completely understood, the following are possible explanations for homeopathic activity:
Pharmacology: Low potency products follow two laws –
Arundt Schultz Law: A very small dose of a poison has reverse effects of a larger dose, i.e., homeopathic belladonna relieves the redness and dryness that raw belladonna causes.
Law of Initial Values: As the quantity of substance is reduced, the effect may either elevate, paradoxically reverse, or reduce, depending on the substance itself.
Imprinting of a message into the polymorphic structure of the water and alcohol mixture: The clath rate structure of water is modified to hold and transfer the medicinal message to the patient. The receptors for this message are probably located on the cell membranes and are similar to the olfactory receptors of the nose. This might explain the ability of strong odors to block homeopathy.
Storage of information in the quantic states of the electrons, atoms and molecules of the carrier fluid: This transfer would be disrupted by sunlight, x-ray, or other photon or particle release. Homeopathics are sensitive to the same. Energy is needed for this, and is provided via succussion. (There seems to be a minimum number of times a product needs to be succussed).
Energetic and electrical pattern of the homeopathic: Analyzing the spectral reactions of the homeopathic to conductance, inductance (magnetic relativity), and capacitance (static reactance) gives us a trivector analysis of the electrical signature of the homeopathic.
Storage might take place in dimensions beyond the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th: Some shift of matter/energy in dimensions 4, 5, and 6 may be partially responsible for the memory of homeopathic remedies. This explains the imponderables of homeopathy and the power of energetic healing. This dimensional effect can be measured by correlating the virtual bio-photons of a homeopathic.
In mode number two, we study the phenomenon of memory in water and alcohol through photon scattering tests, nuclear magnetic resonance and the simplest of all, freezing. If water holds a plastic amorphous memory in liquid formulas it enters solid form, this shape should have some effects on the ice patterns. A freezer that maintains -5c was used to crystallize the substances.
The homeopathics used were less than 5% alcohol to allow proper freezing. They were put into one-inch circular 1/8 inch deep trays, then allowed to cool in the refrigerator for two hours at +5c before insertion into the freezer at -5c. After 12 hours the disks were frozen and unique patterns could be observed for each homeopathic.This was even observed above 24x potencies, where the probability of original product existing are minuscule.
Another common way to measure energetics is with Kirlian photography. This involves placing the product in a highly charged electrical field containing rare gases. Each homeopathic produces its own unique fingerprint or pattern of colors to identify it. It is interesting to note that duplicated or imprinted remedies show no fingerprint under freezing or Kirlian photography.